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Somany tiles showroom in Chennai

Somany tiles showroom in Chennai

Tiles offer the most suitable option for flooring and wall covering. Thanks to their easy availability in a variety of size, designs and shades, that allows property owners to fulfil their design project with ease. To top it all they are easy to install, highly durable, and requires least care and maintenance. Hence, they are ideal for people who want to personalise the looks of their floors and walls of homes and offices.

Somany tiles are like Holy Grail of floor tiles and wall coverings. Being harder, more durable and resistant to water and stains than the Somany, Somany tile is the most sought-after choice for bathroom tile. As these tiles can resemble different varieties of natural stone types, hence Somany wall and floor tiles are considered as the best choice for people looking to transform their living rooms and bathroom floors into a stylish and elegant functional area.

Here is a checklist of various reasons that make Somany tile the most favourite choice


Somany tile is made from china clay moulded at high pressure and then heated to a temperature ranging 1260-1400 °C in a kiln. The high temperature makes the tiles dense, homogeneous and impervious.

Availability in a number of design patterns

Based on your room's size and functionality as well as your specific preferences you can select thorough bodied or unglazed Somany tiles or glazed Somany tiles that come in various sizes, colours and design patterns.

Highly resistance to water, stain and fire

The best thing about Somany tiles is that being the least porous, it is impervious to water and stain. Besides being crack resistant, it is also heat resistant and does not catch fire easily. Thus, it is an excellent choice for kitchen countertops, bathroom floors and wall coverings, fireplace surroundings and kitchen sinks.

Helps you enhancing the beauty and appeal of living rooms or any other part of the property

You can buy Somany tiles from somany tiles showroom in Chennai that resemble hardwood, concrete, natural stone, metals or textile patterns. This will assist you to use marble-like Somany tiles for the kitchen countertops while wood-like for floors of kitchen and other rooms. Signature Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd is the best somany tiles showroom in Chennai.

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