Dr. Naval Parikh, MD is a medicare enrolled "Internal Medicine" physician in Boca Raton, Florida. He went to the University Of South Carolina School Of Medicine and graduated in 2008 and has 13 years of diverse experience with area of expertise in Internal Medicine. He is a member of the group practice Quality Medical Consultant Group Inc and his current practice location is 22 Se 6th St, Boca Raton, Florida. You can reach out to his office (for appointments etc.) via phone at (561) 391-8343.
Dr. Naval Parikh is licensed to practice in Florida (license number ME110120) and he also participates in the Medicare program. He accepts medicare assignments (which means he accepts the Medicare-approved amount; you will not be billed for any more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance) and his NPI Number is 1346416799.
Dr. Naval Parikh- Health Care Specialist
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Star Health Care Clinic, Best General Physician Near Me.
There is a very experienced General Doctor/Physician here.
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Best is a General Physician, who has worked in many big hospitals in Gurgaon city.
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Physician surveys are an essential tool for learning about various current concerns in modern health care, such as practice patterns, medical ethics, health care economics, etc.Historically, the most common method of collecting survey data from physicians and other busy healthcare professionals has been through postal surveys.
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The number of web-based physician surveys published in the professional literature is increasing.For both investigators and respondents,online surveys provide a variety of advantages.
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They may also be more convenient to complete for many busy practitioners.Read More : https://jobsforphysicianopportunities.blogspot.com/2021/09/a-brief-process-of-taking-physician.html
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A patient coming to The Center for Systemic Dentistry will be the recipient of a state of the art protocol for safe removal of mercury amalgam. A comprehensive initial dental exam and systemic assessment determine the extent of mercury damage. Call us: 908-464-9144
Extended Care Health Professionals, PLLC d.b.a.
Extended Care House Calls is the best home health care providers in Louisville KY, this company is to provide patient care in a variety of settings.
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