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Hack app: top vulnerabilities in web apps

Pamela Mer
Hack app: top vulnerabilities in web apps

A web app is a great tool for interactions between clients and a company product. But because web apps store and process a lot of sensitive and private clients' information, they frequently occur under scammers' spotlight. 

SQL injection

SQL is a query language that can be used for access, changing, and deleting data in databases. According to Edgescan 2020 Vulnerability Stats Report, 42% of web app vulnerabilities were caused by SQL injections. It is one of the most popular cyberattacks as it is easy enough to perform. The main danger is that a large part of the web is built on SQL.


SQL injection is a technique that allows hackers to get access to the database by injecting malicious SQL statements due to vulnerabilities in it. Scammers can use SQL commands in input fields (login, password, email)  to get access to a user's or administrator's account and manipulate a system. They can transfer money from a client's account to their own, steal private data, and change or delete it. Overall, such an attack gives access to all data in a database server.

Fortunately, there are many techniques to prevent SQL injections and minimize risks.

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Pamela Mer
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