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Wound care for donor area in hair transplant

Meeraz clinic
Wound care for donor area in hair transplant

Many times people back off or post-pone their hair surgery thinking about potential wounds and scarring. And to some extent, they are right with this concern. Now with advanced hair transplant in India, such patients can expect scarless results. Also, if the surgeon is experienced, he can help to keep scarring to a minimum. 

Healing and wound care are two very critical aspects after a hair transplant and its proper after-care can lead to long-lasting and successful results. 

Here is the basic guide to help you take proper wound care for the donor area. 

To understand how to care for the wound, let us first understand the FUE hair transplant process. The follicular unit extraction (FUE) method of hair transplant involves removing hair follicles individually from the donor area and implanting the same on the bald part through small slits. After the process is over FUE leaves small circular dot-like wounds in the donor area.

Next in line comes the wound healing process which the patient needs to understand and take utmost care of. For the wound to heal, it is important to achieve optimal wound moisture balance, meaning the wound should not get too wet. Also, it should not get too dry otherwise it will lead to scar formation. 

The wound healing in the donor area takes more time than the recipient’s area. For the wound to heal faster and prevent infections, do not involve yourself in any kind of exercise or strenuous activity for the first week after the procedure. Also do not exert much as doing so can cause stress on the natural blood flow that is necessary for hair follicles to adapt to a new place. 

A wound is a natural part of the healing process so worry not and look for a reliable doctor for a hair transplant in Mumbai. Our Expert team at Meeraz can help you in achieving great results. 

Meeraz clinic
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