AI Products 

Design, Automate and Monitor a Continuous Process around Workplace and Employee Safety Effectively

Design, Automate and Monitor a Continuous Process around Workplace and Employee Safety Effectively

This Whitepaper explains How Safety App makes the lives of HR and safety leaders a lot simpler, way more efficient and improve the level of safety for the organization.


As businesses gear up to restart on-site operations, it is imperative that they adopt a collaborative process focused on employee health and workplace safety. At ComplianceQuest, we have launched a Workplace Safety app as part of Salesforce’s Work.com initiative. We believe that this app can play a crucial role in making the lives of HR and safety leaders a lot simpler, way more efficient and improve the level of safety for the organization.

The key value proposition of the Workplace Safety app is this: To offer a data-driven, collaborative platform to manage the workflows for employee health and workplace safety.

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