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Highly Useful Excel Templates to Organize Your Life - Q Academy

Bhupesh Pawar
Highly Useful Excel Templates to Organize Your Life - Q Academy

Microsoft Excel is a treasure mine of power and rich functionality that needs to be discovered by everyone looking to have a more organized and easy life.

Whether you’re managing a team of professionals or a busy household, the right Excel template will make your life a lot easier and more organized. There’s nothing quite like it when it comes to keeping you sane and effective. However, finding the right template can be quite a challenge. 

For that reason, we put together a list of free Excel templates that spans four categories to make your life easier today.

Project Management

  • To-do List

If you’re managing a team, this template can help you keep them in the loop with the status of deliverables. With this template, you can put projects, their priority level, due date, and who’s in charge to ensure that every team member knows what’s going on.   

  • Blog Editorial Calendar

If you have a business, then you know that blogging plays an important role in attracting leads to your website. But managing a blog can be quite a challenge. This template will help you keep track of all your content, and make you mindful of your audience profile and keyword inclusions.

  • Essential KPI Tracker

Keeping track of your organization’s key performance indicator (KPI) is a tough job. However, by using this template, the task becomes easier as it allows you to assign specific KPI to a team member, and determine the number of times you’ll monitor KPI performance. You can even assign a color to each KPI to show how it is performing. 

  • Social Media Content Calendar 

Overwhelmed by the number of social media efforts you have to implement? Worry not. This customizable calendar will allow you to organize your social media activities to make them more manageable and effective.  

  • Issue Tracking

Tracking and documenting project issues as they arise is important for learning purposes. This template will help you keep a record of what went wrong, who took care of the problem, and other relevant notes that can help.

Business Planning

  • On-Page SEO

This template is designed to make the task of managing your SEO efforts easier. Its features include organizing on-page strategies, implementing key SEO elements based on best practices, and tracking changes in your website’s ranking.

  • Product Launch Plan

Organize your thoughts around product positioning and strategy with this template. It can even help you come up with proof points and campaign messaging for a successful product launch.

  • Startup Business Planning

When it comes to making a business successful, nothing can replace hard work, a good product, and a solid business plan. While you alone can provide the first two, this template can help you with the third element. It shows you everything you need to include in your business plan, which includes a competitive analysis, SWOT analysis, and a startup checklist.  

  • SWOT Analysis

As your business grows, make sure your team is taking steps towards the right direction with this template. The template is designed to help you see how the various areas in your analysis measure up to each other, as well as how your business is doing compared to competitors.

  • Financial Plan Projection

Stuck trying to figure out how to manage your business finance? This template is here to save you. Whether you’re already running a business, or about to start one, this 5-year financial plan spreadsheet will make it easy for you to calculate profits and losses, to project cash flow, and to calculate loan payments.  

Personal Management

  • Health and Fitness

While proper diet and regular exercise are important for health and total wellness, keeping track of calorie intake can oftentimes feel like extra work. Allow this spreadsheet to do all the calculations for you so you can fully focus on your regimen.

  • Medication Log

Attending the medication needs of our family members is a highly important job. With this customizable template, you can have each member list his or her medication, including when to take it, what it looks like, and for what ailment.

  • Project Schedule

This template, which includes weekly and monthly schedule worksheets, can be used to create a simple timeline for your projects. Whether you’re organizing a birthday party or a big wedding, it will help guarantee that you get everything done on or ahead of schedule. 

  • Chore Chart

Teach life skills to your kids, such as making their bed, together with how to manage finances with this template. Lists regular chores for your kids using the template, then give their allowance once they accomplish everything.

  • Meal Planner

With this template, you can create a simple weekly meal plan that allows you to select from a list of main and side dishes. Other than listing meals, the template includes a place where you can list your grocery for the week and other notes.   

Money Management

  • Income and Expenses

This spreadsheet is a must-have since we all need to keep track of our income and expenses. You can use this spreadsheet to make sure you’re living within your means.

  • Family Budget Planner

If you’re managing a household, this template can help you get an overview of what your family spends money on throughout a year. By having an idea where your money goes, you’ll be able to keep things under budget. 

  • Travel Budget

Thinking of taking a vacation soon? Use this template to make that dream a reality. It allows you to set a total budget, to see where your money will go, and how much more you need to add to your budget. 

  • College Budget

Preparing to send your kids to college can be intimidating, especially when it comes to teaching them about budgeting. This template can help college students determine how they are going to afford their schooling, allowing them time to set a budget for a semester or even an entire academic year. 

  • Home Mortgage Calculator

Before giving an offer on the house of your dreams, use this template to check if you can afford the mortgage. This template lets you compare variable-rate mortgage from fixed-rate mortgage to help you determine how much you can save by making extra payments.  

Enroll in Q Academy’s A-Z Microsoft Excel training, and see your skills in using the software make you more efficient in managing finances and projects.

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Bhupesh Pawar
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