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5 Best Excel Courses Online

5 Best Excel Courses Online

Learn excel online for free as it would boost your basic and advanced skills by distance learning. Microsoft Excel is primarily utilised for recording essential data such as income, expenses and other information. This makes it a valuable tool for all businesses, be it large or small. 

Having said this, excel is not so easy to use as people say it to be. It might seem very simple, but it is super complex as it has a lot of functions. However, you can always take up excel learning courses to upgrade your skillset. Excel is a great skill  to learn for both professionals as well as students. 

Places Where You Can Learn MS-Excel 

  • LinkedIn Learning

This is by far the best excel course to start with. It covers all the essentials you would need and is based in office365. Here, the tutor would first teach you how to create formulas and some other basic functionalities of excel. One of the most critical data that you'll need is how to format the data. The course finally comes to an end with the software's security features, where you'll get to know about how to collaborate on an excel sheet with a large number of users and track all the modifications done. 

  • Skillfin Learning

This one is the best course for data analysis of MS-Excel. You will also get great lab exercises in this course. The course begins by analysing in excel even before shifting to excel from a large number of databases. You'll also get to know about the cleaning of information before going to advanced topics like adding various measures into the pivot table etc. 

For starters there is a free Excel Course Online that offers huge value. 

  • SkillShare

This is the best platform to learn more about MS-Excel if you are a working professional. It comes along with a wide array of skills with zero exercises and projects. The whole course is of about two hours and covers about 23 skills in about 17 lessons. You can take up the entire course or straightway jump to a particular chapter for a specific skill set. 

  • Udemy

This one is the best Excel course for advanced users. By now, you might have enough knowledge about how you should use excel. This advanced course would assist you with the advanced excel functions and formulas. The instructor would teach you nicely about all the functions and would also demonstrate them for you to understand better. The whole course would cover a lot of excel versions like excel 2007 and excel 2019. You can also get many practice exercises and quizzes at regular intervals, which adds up to your knowledge even more. 

Wrapping Up

These courses would highly help you in learning in-depth about MS-Excel. This would not only upgrade your skills, but you would also want to know more after the completion of this course. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and learn more. 

Summary: Excel is not so easy to use as people say it to be. It might seem very simple, but it is super complex as it has a lot of functions. However, you can always take up excel learning courses to upgrade your skillset. Excel is a great skill  to learn for both professionals as well as students.

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