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Lower Back Pain Causes - What You Need to Know About Lower Back Pain Causes

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Lower Back Pain Causes - What You Need to Know About Lower Back Pain Causes

Lower Back Pain is one of the most common complaints today. Low back pain is often experienced by people of all ages and sexes. Lower Back Pain is usually caused by a muscle injury. It may also be caused by overuse, strain, or even a combination of any of these factors.

Low back pain is usually experienced by people in their late teens and early adulthood. Studies have proven that as much as 80% of all adults are afflicted with low back pain (L BP) at some point in their lives. Symptoms may include muscle weakness, joint aches, numbness, shooting pain, and even severe pain and tenderness. The majority of cases are not serious enough to seek medical treatment. However, the longer one puts off seeking medical care for low back pain the worse it will Sciatic Nerve Pain.

A few common causes of this condition include: lifting improperly, bending and twisting incorrectly, poor body mechanics while lifting, and spinal stenosis. Each of these causes of back pain are categorized differently by insurance companies. Depending on the classification of the cause of low back pain you may need to seek treatment from a professional specializing in chiropractic care. Here are a few common categories of causes of back pain:

Spinal Stenosis: Spinal stasis is when the spinal canal is partially or completely blocked by scar tissue. The result is an increased pressure on the disks of the spine which results in inflammation and pain. A spinal manipulation using the techniques of chiropractic may alleviate or completely eliminate spinal stasis. Manipulation is generally performed with spinal decompression, an advanced form of spinal manipulation.

Back Surgery: Surgery is one of the most common causes of lower back pain usually last for years. The treatment depends on the type and location of the injury as well as any other conditions present. Most surgeries performed by doctors are performed to treat conditions that do not respond to standard treatments. Sometimes, severe injuries may require surgery to repair nerve damage.

Low Back Pain - An inversion table is one of the most common causes of low back pain. It works by applying a constant current that causes the user to sink deeper into the earth. As the user sinks, the muscles relax and the natural arch in their low backs is released. Lower back pain can be treated with physical therapy and medication regimens or, in more severe cases, surgery.

Herniated Disc: A herniated disc occurs in the lumbar region. It is caused by either trauma or a sudden pull. Usually a tear is present along the annulus which then causes a bulge. Common symptoms include pain and pressure around the area. A ruptured disc usually leaves a mark where the nerve originated and leads to severe lower back pain usually in the upper lumbar region. Physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and the rest are normally required.

Sprains and Strain: Another common cause of low back pain is a strain or sprains in the ligaments and muscles. Ligament tears are common in sports, improper lifting techniques, and activities requiring a lot of moving quickly. Sprains occur when your body's muscles exert too much effort or weight on a certain part of your body. These can usually be treated with a few days rest and over the counter anti-inflammatory medication.

Kidney Stones: A kidney stone interrupts your urine flow or causes fluid to collect in the abdomen. This can be one of the most painful conditions as the slightest movement can cause excruciating pain. Causes of this condition can range from diet to obesity. If your doctor determines this to be a cause of lower back pain, he may recommend dietary modifications such as increasing your fluid intake and avoiding processed foods. He may also suggest lifestyle changes like limiting alcohol consumption and quitting smoking to help reduce your risk for kidney stones.

Low Back Sprains and Strain: The most common cause of a lower back pain condition is strains and sprains. Sprains can be classified into acute and chronic. Acute sprains happen instantly and heal within a few hours. Chronic Sprains take longer to heal and can be accompanied by acute pain. Depending on the cause, treatment can vary from splints, heat pads, and exercise to medication and therapy.

Lower Back Pain: Sciatica, fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis are all commonly diagnosed by a physician to be the cause of lower back pain. All three of these conditions can have symptoms that include shooting pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in the legs. When there is nerve interference, the signals from the brain to the legs can become skewed, which causes pain.

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