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Colour the walls with us!

Colour the walls with us!

Paint the Town Murals

What are we?

Paint the Town Murals is a bunch of Street artists working together to colour the streets of Australia since 1998. We have some of the best infamous artists that will transform your walls into the most fascinating artwork you will ever see. We paint cafes, houses, street walls, or any place ever you want to be painted will be done by us rest assured.

What are Murals?

Murals are public art, basically meaning an artwork done directly on the walls. It is public art on the walls of any communal place done by the local artists. This way, it will prevent people from scribbling on the wall and also turn it into a beautiful masterpiece. How nice is that?

What do we do?

You can have any place in your mind most beautifully painted by us. You can contact us if you have a place that you want to be painted, and we will do it for you. Be it a house or a campaign rollout and we will do the work you want in our most professional, authentic and artistic. Our street artists know what they do and will give you more than you would have ever imagined. 


We take up sponsored murals too. Any brand can collaborate with us for possibly any campaign or launch for a product. Our insane wall paintings will become a medium to engage between the brand and directly to the local public, creating awareness. On our Instagram page called to paint the town murals, you can see our amazing artwork and be a judge for yourself. You can see street art in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, etcetera etcetera. 

How does it work?

We will provide you with a free quote(a complimentary service). If you approve of the quote, we proceed with it and plan out the best design for you. If you do not approve, which is usually not the case, we will think over something else for sure. We do not visit the site until the quote is decided. It is always great if the customers provide us with a picture of what the to-be-painted wall looks like, which will help us develop the most appropriate design. Once the design gets approved, we start painting, and the work is done in a matter of some time.

Where to find us?

Our services are available in many Australian cities, namely - Sydney, Brisbane, Perth< Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide and everywhere in between. You name the place, and we are there. We turn unutilised places into our canvas and paint it alive. We make the most of it for the local public to lighten up those places and make more memories in new colours. 

To contact us for street art Sydney, anyone can write us an email, and we will make sure to answer you as early as we can. You can call us on the contact number provided on our blog. You can follow us on our Instagram page to look up our artwork on the streets of Australia.

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