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Computer Glasses - Which one blocks more blue light ?

Computer Glasses - Which one blocks more blue light ?

Protecting the eyes against the harms caused by laptop & mobile screen is a prime concern of modern techies.

Optical market of India is flooded with millions of computer glasses. Unfortunately most of them do not do what they are supposed to do.

Blue light blocking is a key function of computer glasses.

Mainly there are 2 types of blue light blocking glasses:-

1) Clear Lenses - they are cystalline or non colored

2) Amber Lenses - they appear orange in color.

When people visit the optical shop, most of the people are unaware about what to purchase. Most of the buyers often ask the optician whether they should go for amber lens or clear lens.

Basically they want to know which lens type blocks more blue light.

Guess what. They end up buying a pair of glasses which does not block even 20% blue light. This usually happens when they opt for eyeglasses with clear lenses. 

Few years back, a research was conducted at University of Toledo which concluded that 'Amber lenses' significantly block the blue light and improve sleep quality. 

A lens testing video by Zebriana, which is first brand of computer glasses in india, has also been published on their Youtube channel which showed that amber lenses block more than 90% blue light.

It appears that the interest of modern techies has shifted towards amber lenses due to their capability of providing more protection against blue light. 



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