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Hip pain? These could be the reasons

jonti rose
Hip pain? These could be the reasons

Hip pain? These could be the reasons

Many tend to associate hip pain with old age; But what happens if your physical condition was apparently fine and you suddenly have intense pain in that area? The causes are multiple and we will explain them below, according to the area where the pain intensifies.

In the lateral zone

Hip osteoarthritis: This is the wear of the cartilage that cushions the weight and promotes the movement of our joints. The wear or disappearance of this causes pain and stiffness. The osteoarthritis of the hip is also present in the posterior and anterior to the groin area.
Trochanteritis: Also known as trochanteric bursitis, this type of pain generally appears in women over 40 years of age and its most common cause is repetitive trauma; that is, constant injuries in the same place, due to some sport.

In the back area

Pyramidal syndrome: Also known as gluteal contracture, this syndrome is located in the muscle that extends from the sacrum to the head of the femur. Their pain is usually perceived as a pinch in the buttocks and a burning sensation. Its main causes are the lack of stretching, jogging on uneven surfaces, being overweight or not wearing shoes that fit our feet.

Hamstrings tendonitis: The hamstrings are three muscles that run down the thighs. Although this type of illness is not very common, it is linked to sport and is characterized by causing discomfort when sitting.

Inflammation of joints and ligaments: A very abrupt movement or alteration of our joints in the area of ??the sacrum and iliacs, could generate an inflammation that prevents the temporary mobility of the hip and generate great pain.

In the area before the groin

Inguinal Hernia: This condition manifests itself as a bulky, swollen lump in the groin area. It causes shooting pains that can extend to the genital area. The only way to disappear this evil is through surgical intervention.

Pubalgia: Also known as dynamic pubic osteopathy, this disease is caused by strong sports activities. The pain can extend to the abdominal area and the abductors.

Bursitis or Psoitis of the psoas muscle: This muscle allows movement of the legs and absorbs friction. Although it can be confused with osteoarthritis or osteopathy, this disease is frequent, since the muscle tends to be irritated frequently; for this reason, in such cases it is better to consult a doctor.

Femoroacetabular impingement: The pain caused by this disease is due to a genetic disorder that results in abnormal friction of the hip bones. The solution to this is through surgical intervention.

Other causes

In addition to the most frequent causes, depending on the area in the hip; there are others that are more generalized, such as:

Stress: This occurs when a lot of force is exerted on a bone during sports.
Muscle strain: It is caused when the stretch limit of a muscle is exceeded.
Fracture: It is about the break before an over-effort. It is common in the elderly.
Osteonecrosis: It is due to the lack of blood supply to the bones, causing the death of bone cells.

Pregnancy: The changes in pregnancy include weight gain, which commonly causes pain in the hip area.

Having hip pain is not uncommon; And in case you have one of these ills, you should first verify which are the habits that influence the pain, and leave them until you feel better. Also, take care of the position in which you sleep, avoid being overweight and staying on your feet for an excessive time.(orthotics for hip pain)

jonti rose
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