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e-Book: Intelligent Process Automation

Donald j Marshall
e-Book: Intelligent Process Automation

With high octane competition and a fast-paced business environment, enterprises must measure responsiveness to the market, customers, and other stakeholders.To bring that kind of responsiveness, modern software needs pace along with agility. Enterprises need solutions that enable this transformation at scale and speed. To that end, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology gaining grounds in enterprises with a demonstrable business value. RPA helps businesses automate repetitive business processes to bring down TAT to minutes from hours and even days.

But what if you could train the software to self-learn and make intelligent decisions to cut human dependency as much as possible? Add Artificial Intelligence (AI) capability to turn automation into Intelligent Process Automation (IPA). IPA doesn’t just automate repetitive simple tasks but is also smart enough to handle complexity. It can handle tasks that are related to planning, analyzing, budgeting, and even decision-making.


Key takeaways from the Intelligent Process Automation e-book:

  • How to create a value-based strategy for your enterprise transformation
  • Creating an IPA roadmap and identifying pilot scenarios
  • The first 100 days of your IPA journey
  • 15 key essentials for the journey

Download our free eBook: Intelligent Process Automation e-book

Donald j Marshall
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