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Only Professional Pentesting Company Should be Chosen and Here Is How?

farhan ali
Only Professional Pentesting Company Should be Chosen and Here Is How?

Large business networks require top-notch security not only because it will appear more professional but they must opt for it because not having strong and secure network security means that your business will always be at the risk of facing cyberattacks or data breach and they can heavily affect the reputation of the business. This is why you must keep an eye on the information regarding how secure your business network is through Penetration Test. If you have settled down for your network security and didn't feel bothered to learn about how well it is working then mind the fact it can take a considerable cost to recover from a data breach and not forget the reputation of your business.


You must hire a professional Pentesting Company to secure your employees and your clients from cyberattacks? Even with enhanced knowledge about business, you cannot fix the security flaw on your own and you will need a professional Penetration Testing Provider who knows how to strengthen your defense system against powerful cyber attacks. Here is how you can hire the best for your company.


Reporting Should Be Clear


Before you go for the Penetration Testing Services, you will need to make sure that the reports they will be providing are clear and easy to understand. They should have a summary of reports for executives and a detailed report for technical personnel. A Penetration Testing report should consist of a prioritized risk-based detailed list of findings with recommendations. The steps taken to exploit the system must include screenshots. Your team should be following the steps to take over those flaws found upon exploitation with the Penetration Test. Your selected Pentesting Company should provide you with a sample report so you will have an idea about the company. If you don't understand anything about the report then consider finding another pen testing company.


Certified Professionals Only


Now, this is something that should always be a consideration for anyone while looking for the best pen testing company. You shouldn’t compromise on a company or professionals without having any certification. The Penetration Test experts should have appropriate pen-testing certifications and credentials. This includes Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Licensed Penetration Tester (LPT), EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA). The team should have experience of performing Pentest in different companies and should have experience of working in different environments. It is important to know that the pen testing company has an idea of what they are doing and what they should do.


Use a Rules of Engagement (ROE)


If you don’t know then the ROE is a document that helps to understand that everyone is on the same surface so no one should be surprised what will come out after the Penetration Test. With the help of ROE, one will have a clear idea about the pen test expectations by agreeing upon test parameters, which include test time, procedure escalation, focused targets, targets that are out of focus, and any limitation of the Pen Testing. The document of ROE should be signed between the Pentesting Company and you as it will remove any uncertainty from the test.


Experienced in Both Manual and Automated Testing


Though most of us know that Penetration Testing is all automated but the fact is, not all of the automated tests are equally right as they don’t always come up with the right and are prone to false positives as well. This is why it is important to use manual methods to complete the gap left by the automated methods and to deal with the false positives. Both automated and manual methods are important for the Penetration Test. Several pen testing companies use the auto pen-testing tools such as the Vulnerability Scanning tool and they will pass it as the final result of the Pen Testing which isn't a good practice. This is why a pen test should involve as many tools and techniques.


A Documented Process


When it comes to Penetration Testing then make sure that the company is following a well-documented process, before, during, and after the pentest. With the help of the document process, it is much easier to rely on results as they offer more accuracy, completeness and it can even be used to repeat the tests as well. The documentation process is often called a methodology as well and a methodology is often a high-quality procedure that should include all of the steps included in the Penetration Test.


A Frequent And Clear Communication


When it comes to communication then mind the fact that it is one of the important parts of Pen Testing. You must have clear and frequent communication with your selected Pentesting Company. The communication should include information about the Penetration Test, methods, the process, the critical findings, and the problems. The communication process is compulsory during the Pentest and it should follow the points agreed upon in the ROE document.


Should Be Following Professionalism and Respect 


This one shouldn't be overlooked as every professional service provider must act in a way that professionalism should be reflected in their every action and yes it includes respecting the company's privacy regarding data and system they will have access to. The Pentesting Company should always focus on what they are doing and should work on making the security of the system and not to use any new skills or new exploit that isn't meant to. Try new exploitation that a Penetration Testing Provider isn't supposed to be a bad practice and not a sign of professionalism. Make sure that your selected Pentesting Company has to offer a good number of references from previous clients.



To continue making your network system stronger against cyber attacks, it is compulsory to go for a professional Pentesting company only i.e. Vumetric for instance that has to offer a wide range of pen testing professionals who have extensive knowledge about different methods of Penetration Test and know how to provide satisfactory pentest services.

farhan ali
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