Gary Read of Auckland, NZ, is a passionate businessman currently involved in buying, selling and investing in property across New Zealand and Thailand. He hopes to expand his business globally, reaching countries like Greece, China and India. When Gary Read isn't working, he's spending time with his daughter, Kahsharn Read.

Aspiring to be a leader in medical healthcare industry?
If yes, then surely you will be the successful leader in near future.Well you may be quite eager to know what are those top qualities, right?So here are the top 4 secret qualities which will lead you to the path of the successful medical leader.Let’s dig into the secretsOn the topic of how to become best medical leader, Gary Youssef has suggested this:Communication need to be excellentIf you are going to be a leader and need to lead a team, then you have to be a good communicator.
A strong communication skill will help you to build up a strong relationship and a bridge between the healthcare professionals and even a patient too.Know to manage yourselfManaging time, work and target needs a skill of management too.
So a good leader need o manage everything without any direction from others.
Planning the work and prioritizing them is the great skill which a leader must have or develop to go head.Always carry a positive outlookWell that is very important as you will be communicating with many people within or outside your profession for professional benefit.
Without a positive outlook you will not be able to exchange the positive vibes for your service.

- University of Auckland- University of Otago- University of Canterbury- Victoria University of Wellington- University of Waikato- Auckland University of TechnologyFor more details, visit: https://tinyurl.com/x488yzsc

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