Doing my best hat
Doing my best hat shirts, apparel, posters are available at TeeChip.

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In our previous article, we brought out the key takeaways for India in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business report 2020 and explained briefly how India made a sustained effort over the years in improving the ranking in a rapid pace.
Nevertheless, it is interesting to look at the exact progress in the past year.
Going by the report it is evident that some of India’s efforts such as port infrastructure development, easing the process through digital means, reforms in insolvency resolution etc are making a huge impact in strengthening the business eco-system.
The chapter ‘Summaries of Doing Business reforms in 2018/19’ especially takes account of reforms implemented from May 2018 to May 2019 with respect to each country ranked in the report.
This particular chapter has tick marked India on four counts in which India showed remarkable progress in the above-mentioned period.
The report mainly takes consideration of Delhi on this count.