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4 ways to find and update the drivers in windows

Bissi Joy
4 ways to find and update the drivers in windows

On Windows 10, a device driver is an important piece of code that permits the system to interact with specific hardware (such as graphics card, storage driver, network adapter, Bluetooth, etc.), also peripherals, as well as mice, keyboards, printers, monitors, and plenty of others. Usually, the detection and installation of device drivers happen automatically using the in-built driver library and also the Windows Update service. However, sometimes, you'll still need to update some devices manually for many reasons. As an example, once Windows ten cannot recognize a part. The device stops operating when upgraded. Windows Update installs a generic package, otherwise, you need to apply a vital fix or access a replacement feature quickly. It is easy to update drivers through the device manager feature in windows. But for complete scan and update, you can also use Best Driver Updater Software. Now let us discuss 4 ways to find and update the drivers in Windows.

1)  Use Windows update-  Usually, it takes time for makers to form newer drivers offered through Windows Update. However, it's still the most effective choice to download and install drivers manually. The reason is that only the packages compatible along with your system configuration are going to be listed on this page, minimizing the possibilities of adding the incorrect update. Also, the drivers during this channel are tested, verified, and signed by Microsoft.

Use these steps to update using device drivers:

  • Open settings
  • Click on the update and security option
  • You will see Windows update on the top click on it
  • Now select click for updates option
  • Click on the View optional updates option
  • Click the Drivers update tab and select the driver you want to update under that
  • Click Download and install to finish the update

If you are unable to see the view optional updates option that means windows doesn’t have any drivers to update at the moment. 

2) Use Windows Device Manager- You can also update any outdated drivers through the device manager. With very few and easy steps you can update any device driver through this option. Follow these steps:

  • Open start 
  • Search for device manager and click on it
  • Select the device hardware you want to update 
  • Under that select the device and right-click on it
  • Select update driver option
  • On the next page that displays click on Search automatically for driver updater software 
  • Click on Ok and follow further instructions
  • Restart your computer

3) Use Bit Driver Updater- Using third-party software helps to update drivers automatically and more precisely. Bit driver updater automatically updates, detects, and solves driver-related issues, installs and updates drivers when needed. Up-to-date drivers can improve the performance, stability, and security of your computer. With just a single click you can avoid all the problems such as lagging of the system, corrupted or old drivers, and so on. It improves every bit of your issues. 

  • Best performance - By providing better hardware compatibility and keeping drivers updated, the best performance is experienced by users.
  • Saves time - Bit driver updater saves your time by updating you with the latest best drivers and you don't have to waste time by searching it all over the internet. 
  • One-click driver update - With a single click in one go it detects old, corrupted, broken drivers automatically and updates with their latest versions.
  • Complete system scan - To detect faults, corrupted, outdated, broken driver-complete system scan is done and later the updating process. 
  • Backups before fixing - Before updating and fixing the drivers the software suggests taking backup in case any data is lost which can be which as per requirements. 
  • Best rated - As it is one of the trusted, and used software for updating keyboard drivers, it is best rated by users for its performance and compatibility. 

To download the Bit driver updater just visit their website and on the top, you'll see the ‘Download now’ option, click on that. 

4) Use the manufacturer’s site- You can also go to a device manufacturer’s site of the device whose driver you want to update. Check the driver there, download, and install manually from there, before downloading read all the instructions carefully. 

Conclusion- All these 4 easy ways to find and update drivers are very effective and you will no longer have to face malfunctions because of broken or outdated drivers. It will boost your system’s performance and remove bugs.

Bissi Joy
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