There is no one-size-fits-all solution. It's a series of small steps.” – Unidentified
What better way to encapsulate how to obtain wellbeing than with this quote? Let's take a look at the what and why of wellness before we get into the how.
What Exactly Is Wellness?
“The state of being in excellent health, especially as an actively pursued goal,” according to the Oxford dictionary. Wellness, according to Merriam-Webster, is "the quality or state of being in excellent health, especially as a goal actively pursued." –
Although there are numerous meanings for the term Wellness, each one contains several comparable elements.
Wellness is a skill that must be learned. It's a life decision that necessitates regular, concentrated action to succeed.
While wellbeing is linked to physical health, having a positive outlook on life plays a significant role in it. As a result, an individual can have more control over their overall wellness than their physical health.
Wellness can be viewed as a process, a value, or a state, depending on the metrics used to assess it.
Although wellness may appear to be a complex notion, it may be thought of as a set of positive decisions that enable one to live a more fulfilling life.
Even while wellness may appear to be a complicated concept, it is best thought of as a series of positive actions that inspire one to live a more fruitful and fulfilling life.
Wellness and Its Various Forms
The Following Are The Different Types Of Wellness:
1. Emotional Wellness: Recognizing and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and behavior in a holistic manner rather than categorizing them as positive or negative sentiments is the first step toward emotional wellness. This includes dealing with stress, life upheavals, and adversity.
2. Spiritual Wellness: Spiritual wellness refers to the process of finding meaning and purpose in one's life. Chanting, prayer, meditation, yoga, and a rigorous examination of your morals, values, and beliefs are all effective approaches to attain this.
3. Physical Wellness: This refers to ensuring that the body's physical health is at its best. A sustainable, well-balanced diet, appropriate exercise, and a heavy dose of self-control are the key mantras here.
4. Social Wellness: the ability to develop strong bonds with others and with oneself (often beyond the social platforms). The first step toward social wellness is to feel at ease in one's skin and embrace oneself entirely. Maintaining one's social wellbeing quotient is aided by being in the company of proactive people.
5. Intellectual Wellness: This refers to engaging in mentally stimulating activities that stretch your knowledge and skillsets. Being a lifelong learner, adopting new hobbies, and resuming old ones that you couldn't pursue various reasons all contribute to our intellectual fitness.
6. Environmental Wellness: As the name implies, this is about being conscious of one's surroundings. Taking responsibility for reducing carbon footprints and safeguarding natural resources on the planet.
7. Occupational Wellness: focuses on maximizing your job happiness by focusing on work that makes you happy, satisfied, and accomplished. It can be accomplished by pursuing a variety of professional paths and effectively handling workplace pressures.
8. Financial Wellness: To put it simply, this is about money. Everything you need to know about money, including how to save, spend, invest, and make it for yourself without becoming obsessed or overwhelmed.
What Is the Importance of Wellness?
Everyone aspires to live their lives to the fullest. Life has its thoughts. Life frequently throws a challenge at us when we least expect it, and it is beyond our control. Fortunately for us, improving our general health is something over which we have complete control.
Now for the How......
After considering the what and why of wellness, it goes without saying that instilling wellbeing in the younger generations is critical. As the saying goes, catch them young and watch them grow...
This is accomplished at JBCN International School through its unique Mind Body Soul program.
The Mind-Body-Soul program develops each child's gifts and strengths.
as well as abilities
The three categories that make up the creative experiences are artistic exploration, sports education, and social awareness.
Exploration of the Arts
Our program's goal is for students to see all forms of art as expressions of creativity, culture, tradition, and our legacy to future generations. Through a range of media, techniques, and skills in Art, Craft, Music, Dance, Communication Skills, Cookery, Gardening, Theatre Arts, and Publications, the creative arts program fosters creativity and self-expression.
Every child's sense of competence and well-being is enhanced through creative self-expression, which also helps children appreciate their own and others' unique perspectives on life.
Sports Education
Our Sports Education Program aims to instill a sports culture in all sectors of life that promote fitness, a healthy lifestyle, teamwork, and sportsmanship. In athletics, gymnastics, chess, skating, swimming, martial arts, cricket, football, and basketball, among other sports, our program is designed to provide athletes with the best facilities, coaching, resources, and support.
Sports education is an important aspect of our Mind Body Soul program because it develops resilience, tenacity, teamwork, and equanimity in our students.
Social Sensitivity
Our program's goals are to raise students' knowledge of social concerns and instill a feeling of social responsibility in them. We encourage students to participate in socially relevant concerns and actions undertaken by NGOs, as well as social service initiatives in the neighborhood spearheaded by local community groups. Within the school community and with the rest of the world, social awareness fosters empathy, caring, and sharing. It encourages students to be considerate of others' feelings and viewpoints.