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Buy Yarn in India

Metal Coat
Buy Yarn in India

The main places of its manufacture are Bhadohi (Varanasi), Mirzapur, Gopiganj (Allahabad), Madho Singh (Mirzapur), Agra, Jaunpur and Kamriha. During the war, this industry grew significantly. America and England are the biggest buyers of Indian carpets. Very good quality carpets are made in Kashmir. Buy fine quality yarn and woollen goods are made from woollen yarn imported from abroad. Since independence, there has been a lot of improvement in the goods made in India, which is evident from the fact that there is a huge demand for woollen goods from outside India and from some European countries. The major woollen mills of India are Lal Tamarind in Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh), Dhariwal in Punjab, Raymond Woolen Mills and Indian Woolen Mills in Bombay, Bangalore Woolen, Cotton and Silk Mills in Bangalore and Jamnagar Woolen Mills in Saurashtra. The Calico Mill of Ahmedabad has also started making woollen goods.

Metal Coat
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