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Amirisu Archives

Yarn Trader
Amirisu Archives

About Amirisu archives
For those unfamiliar with Amirisu, it began as a digital-only knitting publication that was published bilingually in English and Japanese. They are currently a print magazine that distributes each issue in both an English/international and a Japanese version.
A wonderfully photographed Japanese knitting magazine published four times a year. Each issue includes a code for digital download. Issue 22 is inspired by layers, and it includes twelve knitwear designs by some of Amirisu's favorite Japanese and foreign designers. A crafting guide to Okinawa, with its fascinating textile traditions and inspiring ceramic galleries, is also included in this edition. A project from Lori Ann Graham, virtual events and content to enjoy from anywhere, and needle felting project, round out this spring-summer issue.

Know more about Yarn Traders
Yarn is long continuous lengths of interlocking fibers that can be used to make textiles, crochet, knit, weaving, embroider, or rope. Yarn can be made from a number of natural or synthetic fibers. Our range of products includes high-end apparel, activewear, accessories, homewares, and everything in between. Yarn is famous worldwide for its next-to-skin softness, strength, innate versatility, and technical benefits. Our yarn fibres can absorb large quantities of moisture vapor then move it away to evaporate into the air.

When a yarn fibre is discarded, it will naturally break down in the soil over time, eventually releasing vital nutrients back into the environment. At the microscopic level, each yarn fibre is like a coiled spring that returns to its natural shape after being bent. This provides our yarn a natural wrinkle resistance. We love natural fibres and have a large selection of Australian-made goods. We are committed to bringing you the best in locally made yarns and accessories, as well as carefully curated natural fibre yarns from around the world, at Yarn Trader. We communicate with many of you through our social media accounts and newsletters, and we must promote and choose who to work with.

Yarn Trader
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