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Coca and the Sacred Plants of the Incas - The Timeless World of the Andes

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The Incas considered coca as'the heavenly place'mostly because of its house of imparting energy, nevertheless its use was entwined with all facets of life; the art, mythology, lifestyle and economy of the Inca Empire.

An incredible number of Indians have chewed coca on a regular basis for all hundreds of years, however never has a seed been so misrepresented and their use therefore controlled by prejudice and ignorance, including up to the present day. The Conquistadors considered it an idle and offensive habit to be prohibited, but it absolutely was shortly observed that the Indians could not work without coca even though pushed to do so.

The coca leaf has been holy to Andean people considering that the dawn of pre-Colombian civilization. Doris Rivera Lenz, a renowned Andean Ceremonialist, healer, and Coca leaf Diviner, when requested about the source of the data she divines from their store, she says:

"They offer me this type of strong recognition it's like an energy has me from only pressing them. I invoke Mom Character and the heart of the coca, and with only eight leaves, the answer comes, as though through an open doorway."


An old method of diagnosing condition, however frequent in Peru, is to wipe an egg over the human body of the patient. Doris is talented in this tradition and prescribes solutions including medicinal herbs.

Significantly Andean wisdom is dependant on statement of nature, noting for example, when the ducks go round in circles, you will see extended rains, etc... Engagement with character stops your brain from becoming mechanical, can easily see that it's continually nurturing people and helping people to grow.

The ofrenda

An'ofrenda'is the most important ceremony utilized by Andean Indians to relate with Mom Earth. The ofrenda is really a image of reciprocity with character and its purpose is to show people to replicate this attitude. Through it we speak back again to nature stating we understand the information and concord.

The ofrenda that is also identified in Spanish as a'pago ', isn't
a'payment'to character whilst the Conquistadores found it, implying a sinister pact with character spirits. Additionally, they accused the Indians of being miserly since they preferred to cover symbolically as opposed to with real cash!

An ofrenda is an appearance of passion, maybe not of debt or obligation.

Neither can it be selfish to want things for ourselves as some individuals see it even today. It is true that urban persons in Peru have started to make ofrendas for causes such as for example looking their organizations to blossom, but good business can similarly imply good health, and equilibrium to the community and for the organic world. Sky Pré Pago

In a Andean community realities are nearer to world than they're in the city, it is more critical that the cows do not die than to possess more personal possessions. Ergo in the country there is a much better comprehension of the shamanic indicating of the ceremony, the re-establishing of connection to nature. This is the reason we want only a little preparation so that an ofrenda can benefit people too.


We reside in a period of the fulfilment of an old Inca prophecy. Here is the time of the newest Pachacuti, a great modify bringing with it a fresh concerning the World (Pachamama). Each Pachacuti is a period of time about 500 years. The last Pachacuti happened with the Conquest in early 16th century, and the Q'ero (Inca) priests have been waiting since for the following time, when purchase might begin to emerge from chaos. The present Pachacuti identifies the finish of time as we understand it, the conclusion or demise of a means of considering and a method of being. A fresh relationship with the residing Planet, and an emergence into a golden age of peace. There are lots of clues that improvements in individual consciousness are taking place, however there's however a considerable ways to go. It's section of Doris's perspective to exhibit us old-fashioned ways that individuals may re-engage with the sacredness of living and the Planet so we too may more completely participate in the brand new Pachacuti.

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