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What are the 3 types of architectural models?

Shubham Bankar

We take on bespoke model making projects of any size, combining traditional model making abilities with cutting-edge technology. We can manufacture beautifully detailed big scale models all the way down to microscopic models thanks to our adaptable methodology.

We can bring your thoughts and conceptions into reality, whether it's architectural model creation, exhibition models, sculpture, 3d printing, laser cutting, CNC cutting, graphics, or spray painting.

Our Service:

Architectural model - We are an architectural model manufacturer situated in Gloucestershire who works for clients all around the UK. Architectural models are a powerful tool for selling your concepts. They are visually appealing to clients while also delivering important information about your ideas. Architectural models can be used to illustrate your clients your major design characteristics at every point of the process, from concept through planning to sale.

Scale model - In your marketing suite, sales models look nice and help buyers grasp the plots. They're frequently in full colour and have a lot of detail. We can produce high-quality 3d models from your 2d ideas and plans. We can also use led lighting to draw attention to key areas.
To get a high-quality finish, we use laser cutting and paint finishes. If you need the topography to be displayed with extreme precision, we'll employ CNC milling to create a contoured base.

Planning Models - We all know that accuracy and detail are crucial in planning applications. This is accomplished through the use of both contemporary and traditional machinery. We can do highly delicate cutting using laser cutting with 0.1mm precision and high tolerance acrylic from 0.5mm thickness. Engraving can pick up finer elements like masonry and stone effects, adding texture to the artwork. Paint techniques, flocking, and etched velum trees are used to bring full colour or partial colour architectural models to life with more realistic coloured representations of materials and finishes.

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Shubham Bankar
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