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What are Allergic Reactions?

Allergy and Asthma Tips
What are Allergic Reactions?

The body's immune system is responsible for defending the body against different bacterias and viruses.  Sometimes, the immune system can start to defend against things that wouldn't normally cause harm to the body, this is what causes allergies and allergic reactions to take place.

What Causes an Allergic Reaction?

No one is completely sure why some people have allergies while others do not, however doctors do believe them to mostly be passed down in families.  If you have a close family member who has allergies, you may be more likely to develop them yourself.


While the exact cause of allergies is unknown, some things are known to commonly cause allergies in people.  Some of those things are:
  • Pet dander, for example from a dog or a cat
  • Bites or stings from certain insects like ants or bees
  • Certain foods like nuts or shellfish can cause food allergies or food intolerance
  • Medications like penicillin can cause people to have drug allergies
  • Pollen, mold and dust mites
There are many more things that can cause someone to have an allergic reaction, and an allergist will be able to tell you exactly what is causing your allergies by giving you an allergy test.

How do I know if I'm Having an Allergic Reaction?

There are many different symptoms that could arise from an allergic reaction, and they can vary from mild to severe.  These symptoms may continue to become more severe the more often you are exposed to the allergen.
Mild Reactions
Symptoms of a mild allergic reaction can include things like:
  • Hives
  • Rashes or Itching
  • Allergic Rhinitis which can lead to nasal congestion or sneezing
  • Scratchy Throat
  • Watery or Itchy Eyes
Severe Reactions
Severe allergic reactions can have the following symptoms:
  • diarrhea
  • nausea or vomiting
  • wheezing
  • difficulty breathing
  • pain or tightness in the chest
  • heart palpitations
  • dizziness or weakness
There are other symptoms that can arise from a severe allergic reaction, but the most severe is anaphylaxis that can develop very quickly after exposure to an allergen.  This type of reaction results in extremely severe symptoms that could be life threatening if not treated:
  • swelling of the airway
  • an inability to breathe
  • a sudden and severe drop in blood pressure
If you ever experience anaphylaxis seek medical treatment immediately because these symptoms can result in death.
While allergies can be difficult to cope with at first, through different tests an allergist will be able to determine all the factors contributing to your allergies and how to more properly treat the symptoms.  By preventing exposure to the allergens you will be able to keep living your life normally and will know how to properly care for symptoms if they ever arise.
Allergy and Asthma Tips
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