The fact became the originator of the legend that "Vakra Moon Grase Na Rahu". In English or European science, Rahu in 10th House for Virgo Ascendant and Ketu are called the northern and southern lunar nodes respectively.
We have to think closely that how we will give good results to Rahu from life.
In Kalyug, Rahu gets the opinion.
When Rahu in 10th House for Aries Ascendant gives, he tears the roof.
When Rahu moves in the horoscope then there is no problem with other planets to stop it.
From the point of view of health,Rahu in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant is the factor of the air element.
Due to which the problem of indigestion, constipation, etc.
To avoid this, use cabbage, peas, paneer, rajma, etc.
at least in the food and do not use them at all during the night.
Eat more and more green things.
No matter how many measures are taken next to him, he will not be able to get out of it soon.
Then by trying every remedy, the lock of his life's fate does not open, but no human being thinks that how we have done karma to spoil Rahu in 10th House for Taurus Ascendant.
In the Mahadasha of Rahu, the person has to face hallucinations, all-empty, calamity, disease, wealth-destruction, beloved-separation, death-like suffering or many kinds of miseries.If there is a difference of Rahu in 10th House for Pisces Ascendant in the Mahadasha of the Sun, then the person has to face various kinds of troubles like disease, humiliation, doubt, wealth-destruction, public loss, etc.
It is as follows, it makes you lazy, intoxicated and intoxicated as well as gives demerits like intoxication, because Rahu in 10th House for Leo Ascendant is like this in the horoscope of India, so this tendency is also seen by many countrymen here.
According to Indian astrology, Rahu in 8th House for Virgo Ascendant and Ketu represent two points of intersection of the orbits of the Sun and the Moon, which are located in the opposite direction (at 180 degrees) relative to the Earth.
These planets are not celestial bodies, they are called shadow planets.