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saturn in 10th house

Karun Agarwal
saturn in 10th house

Results of Saturn in the 10th house. Saturn Effects in Tenth House. In the horoscope, the tenth house is known as Karma Bhava. This is called the centre point. From this house, all the matters related to the business, honour and karma of the person are considered. If Saturn is situated in the tenth house, then its vision remains on the twelfth, fourth and seventh house. If Saturn is situated in the tenth house, then its vision affects the business, brothers and sisters and marital sector of the person. Saturn posited in this house also gives auspicious and inauspicious results according to the combination, vision and ownership of other planets.

The sage-Acharya of astrology has said that the tenth house of Saturn, which is situated here, gives both auspicious and inauspicious results. But logically it can be said that when a sinful or debilitated Saturn sits in this house, it afflicts this place and destroys the auspiciousness of this house, that is why the person never gets satisfaction from his work.

Karun Agarwal
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