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Surya Namaskar: The Ayurvedic mantra for weight loss

Ankit Kumar
Surya Namaskar: The Ayurvedic mantra for weight loss

We have all heard and gotten over the meaning of Surya Namaskar at least once in our lives. Surya Namaskar is said to be the perfect way of losing weight while keeping your body in a blanched and calm state. It is said to root from the deeper meaning of Ayurveda that helps in keeping your mental and physical state balanced. So where does Surya Namaskar come from and what’s its origin? Well, Surya Namaskar is a Sanskrit word that constitutes a set of 12 intensive yoga asanas or poses that have an exceptional impact on both your physical and mental health and well-being. The word Surya Namaskar connotes obeisance (Namaskar) to the Sun (Surya).

Thus, Surya Namaskar is a complete body workout or fitness exercise that helps in keeping your body in good shape while keeping your mind in a calm state. It forms or lays the foundation for the power of yoga in your life and also helps in promoting weight loss.

Surya Namaskar has also been established and recognised as an extremely effective way of losing weight and achieving your body goals. It has been tried, tested and experimented by experts, researchers and dieticians, over years and centuries. Surya Namaskar also helps in strengthening your body and builds up the strength of your core muscles. It aids in improving blood flow in the body, keeping your heart health in check, providing synchronised breathing and also burns fat and makes you healthy.

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Surya Namaskar-1-HealthnWealthbox

If you are looking to shift from a lazy lifestyle to a fitter and better one, Surya Namaskar helps kickstart the journey and keeps you healthy while taking some minimal efforts. More than just weight loss, it benefits your body in a number of ways. It helps in reducing high cholesterol levels, keeps your heart in check, calms overthinking and intrusive thoughts, all while burning calories.

Surya Namaskar consists of 12 exercises that can be performed anytime during the day. Most people usually practice them early in the morning as the term stands for paying tribute to the sun. Performing Surya Namaskar on an empty stomach provides you with maximum benefits.

Can Surya Namaskar reduce weight?

Now we know the question that is bombarding your brain right now “Can Surya Namaskar reduce weight” and the answer is YES. A hundred times, yes. As discussed above, Surya Namaskar has time and again proven to be an exercise that helps kickstart the weight loss journey and helps you put away those extra pounds. This weight loss benefit comes with a number of other benefits provided by Surya Namaskar that keep your body in good health and make you fit.

Surya Namaskar has been mentioned as an ideal workout by fitness trainers and yoga professionals. It helps you in achieving weight loss without putting you under the pressure of joining hefty gyms. All you need to have is a yoga mat, and you are good to go! Surya Namaskar has been titled as the best workout-from-home routine that helps you in shedding the extra calories. The best part is that it keeps you smiling while enjoying the process and leaving you feeling fresh and happy. It also keeps your mind in a constant state of calm and serenity throughout the day.

Add on your Surya Namaskar schedule with two minutes of meditation before and after the workout routine and asanas, and you are ready with the detoxification of both your mind and body.

Another question hovering in your mind right now would be “How much weight can I lose by doing Surya Namaskar?” Don’t worry; we have got all answers for you!

One round of Surya Namaskar is helpful in burning about 13.90 calories. We all know by now that the magical number that applies for Surya Namaskar is 12. If you are a beginner, you can start with 5 sets of Surya Namaskar every day and can take it upto 12 sets as and when you proceed with your workout and weight loss schedule. 12 definite sets of Surya Namaskar daily will help you lose approximately 416 calories.

How to do Surya Namaskar?

Are you ready to see the magical results of Surya Namaskar and eager to try it out? Here are all the steps


  1. Step 1 (Prayer Pose)
  2. Step 2 (Raised Arms pose)
  3. Step 3 (Hand to Foot pose)
  4. Step 4 (Equestrian pose)
  5. Step 5 (Stick pose)
  6. Step 6 (Saluting with eight points or parts)
  7. Step 7 (Cobra pose)
  8. Step 8 (Mountain pose)
  9. Step 9 (Equestrian pose)
  10. Step 10 (Hand to foot pose)
  11. Step 11 (Raised Arms pose)
  12. Step 12

As you end by exhaling, straighten your body and bring both your arms down. Relax in the same position and experience the sensations in your body

Ankit Kumar
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