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mercury in 8th house

Bani Sachdeva
mercury in 8th house

Mercury in the 8th house gives auspicious results in most cases. Therefore you are a happy and self-respecting person. You like to do charity. You will be the person to be famous, famous and successful because of your qualities. You will become famous and rich because of your humility. Your memory power should be strong. You will be a total nurturer and a great person.



You will get wealth and wealth by the grace of the king and by the grace of the king. Despite having strong memory, your education should be mediocre. Mercury situated here works to increase your life. You may be interested in occult science and spirituality. It has been said that if Mercury is situated in the eighth house, a person is able to punish others by the grace of the king. Of course, you can be a judge.


You can get a big post at the age of twenty-five. You will continue to get opportunities for luxury. You will have the power to remove the sufferings of others. You will be able to easily win over your enemies. But you may have diseases or problems related to the brain and nerves. The selection of a business partner should be done after careful examination.


In astrology, the planet Mercury affects the 12 houses located in our birth chart in different ways. These effects have an impact on our direct life. Apart from this, Mercury is a neutral planet, but due to the combination of different planets, changes are also seen in its results. Let us know in detail what kind of effect is there on the different houses of the planet Mercury.

Bani Sachdeva
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