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sun in 8th house

Karun Agarwal
sun in 8th house
Since the Sun is in the eighth house, the seventh (full) vision of the Sun falls on the second (wealth) house. The native gets eye diseases due to the influence of Sun. There is less in the happiness of the family. The accumulated wealth is destroyed.
Effect of Sun in 8th house in friend's zodiac
The age of the person increases due to the placement of Sun in its friend's sign in the eighth house.
Effect of Sun in the 8th house of the enemy
Due to the placement of the Sun in the eighth house in the enemy sign, there is a possibility of a crisis on the age due to the influence of the Sun. Such a person worries.
Effect of Sun in 8th house in the high and low sign
Due to the placement of Sun in the eighth house of its own sign in Leo, the age increases and the person becomes fearless, brave and self-respecting.
With the Sun being situated in its exalted sign Aries in the eighth house, due to the influence of the exalted Sun, the person gets success with some problems regarding age. Expenses remain high. Foreign places benefit.
With the Sun being situated in the eighth house in its exalted sign Aries, the native gets success with some problems regarding age due to the influence of the exalted Sun. Expenses remain high. Foreign places benefit.
Due to the Sun being situated in its debilitated sign Libra in the eighth house, one has to face difficulties, struggle and there is a possibility of the crisis on the age of the person.
Karun Agarwal
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