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How Powder Coating Your Equipment Can Help protect it Through Many Grand Rapids Winters

How Powder Coating Your Equipment Can Help protect it Through Many Grand Rapids Winters

Winter in Grand Rapids, Michigan can be intense. Monumental snowfalls, 60 mph blizzards and salt spray covering most of the roadways can all wreak havoc on your equipment. Corrosion forming from the combination of water and salt eats at many of the metal materials used in various automotive, construction, and industrial equipment, causing them to break down sooner and have an unappealing, rusted appearance. Outfitting your equipment with a powder coating can help bring strong levels of protection from various hazards, while keeping the same functionality and profile you need. The best companies providing powder coating services in Grand Rapids will also offer customization options to help you achieve the best possible bond, finish, and thickness for your application needs.


So, how does it all work? Forming a robust layer of rubber over your metal equipment, a powder coating effectively acts as a “skin” to your equipment, protecting it from any abrasion or corrosion caused by winter conditions. The powder coating process forms an exceptionally tight bond with the metal surface, ensuring no moisture, particles, or debris are able to penetrate the layer, and cause damage. Additionally, having such a close bond with the metal helps preserve nearly identical sizing, without impacting the functionality of the part or equipment in any way.


Whether you are looking to perform powder coating services on a few pieces of construction equipment, or for the finishing coating for a large run of automotive parts, partner with a dependable powder coating services provider in Grand Rapids. Having the equipment, custom capabilities and capacity to handle various projects is a great characteristic to look for, and helps ensure your services are carried out in the best way possible for your unique equipment application.

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