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5 Star hotels near Ahmedabad Airport

Radha Agarwal
5 Star hotels near Ahmedabad Airport

If you are looking for a 5 Star hotel in Ahmedabad airport? Then The Ummed Ahmedabad can be your best option. Because Our staff has been properly trained to comply with all COVID-19 rules and regulations. Hence, they will always ensure that you get the best of room service without any contact. Also, our room service is always available 24*7. Choose and book instantly: https://www.ummedhotels.com/the-ummed-ahmedabad-overview.php

Address: - International Airport Circle, Hansol, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India 382475

Email: - reservations.ahmedabad@ummedhotels.com 

Mob:- 7966661234

May be an image of table, indoor and text that says "THE UMMED Sperda a day AT INR 3500/- TAXES FOR A COUPLE 02 KIDS (BELOW 8 YEARS) Accommodatio for 8 hours in Deluxe garden view rooms, Welcome drink on arrival Fitness centre, Buffet Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner at our Multi cuisine restaurant- Jacaranda. 7567899030 9909919617 CONTACT: 灵 resevatios.shmedabad@ummedhotels.com THE UMMED AHMEDABAD, AIRPORT CIRCLE, AHMEDABAD 382475"

Radha Agarwal
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