AI Products 

Elovera cream

Elovera cream

Elovera cream is a clinical salve comprised of aloe vera concentrates and nutrient E principally. The elovera cream benefits in treating dry skin and gives dampness to them. It is adequately used to treat skin infections like dermatitis and psoriasis. 


Obviously, aloe vera is a profoundly valuable plant whose concentrates give dampness and hydration to the skin. It likewise has skin fixing properties and is regularly used to improve and keep up with our skin. Then again, the expansion of nutrient E makes the cream surprisingly better. It is an exceptionally mainstream oil helpful for skin fixing properties. The mix of the two makes it the best cream to treat skin illnesses. 


The elovera cream costs contrast with the various amounts it is offered in. at, present the accessible amounts of the elovera cream are: 


1-75 grams 


2-125 grams 


3-500 grams 


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