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Titanium Gr 2 Wire Manufacture

sachiya pipe fittings
Titanium Gr 2 Wire Manufacture

Sachiya Steel International is a Leading manufacturer and exporter of Titanium Gr 2 Wire, which has a detrimental effect on ductility and its content kept as low as possible. In the majority of these and other engineering applications, Titanium Grade 2 Wire has replaced heavier, less serviceable or less cost effective materials. Titanium Grade 2 Coil Wire is the best among commercially pure titanium grades, where it is the softest and most ductile compared to grades. Typical applications for Titanium Grade 2 Wire include chemical process, petroleum refining, biomedical as well as heat exchangers in an array of different applications.

Titanium Grade 2 are light in weight, have extraordinary corrosion resistance and the ability to withstand extreme temperatures. Titanium Grade 2 Wire is used commonly in applications that require welding because of its strong weldability properties. Ti Gr. 2 Filler Wire is higher in strength than CP Grade 1, but lower in strength than CP Grade 3 and CP Grade 4. Ti Gr. 2 Electrode is used in aviation, aerospace, military, chemical, petrochemical industry, in the medical field, jewelry, calibration of measurement instruments, piercing purposes.

Ti Gr. 2 Welding Electrode is also used in Architecture, Automotive Desalination, Dimensional Stable Anodes, Medical, Marine, and Processing & Chlorate Manufacturing. As a single – phase material, the properties of Ti Gr. 2 Welding Wire are controlled by chemistry (iron and interstitial impurity elements) and grain size.

Titanium Gr.2 Wire Specifications
Specifications : ASTM B863 ASME SB863
Dimensions : ANSI/AWCI – 01 -1992 and ASTM E 2016-11 and RRW 360
Length : 100 mm TO 6000 mm
Diameter : 10 mm To 100 mm
Specialize : Filler Wire, Coil Wire, Electrode Wire, Welding Wire.


Titanium Grade 2 Wire Chemical Composition


Grade Ti C Fe H N O
Titanium Grade 2  99.2 min  0.1 max 0.3 max  0.015 max 0.3 max  0.025 max


Titanium Grade 2 Wire Mechanical Properties


Density Melting Point Tensile Strength Yield Strength (0.2%Offset) Elongation
 4.5 g/cm3  1665 °C (3030 °F)  Psi – 49900 , MPa – 344  Psi – 39900 , MPa – 275  20%


Equivalent Grades for Grade 2 Titanium Wire


Titanium Grade 2 3.7035 R50400



Titanium Grade 2 Wire Application Industries


  • Off-Shore Oil Drilling Companies
  • Power Generation
  • Petrochemicals
  • Gas Processing
  • Specialty Chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Pharmaceutical Equipment
  • Chemical Equipment
  • Sea Water Equipment
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Condensers
  • Pulp and Paper Industry
sachiya pipe fittings
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