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Wooden Doors Design Ideas by Maruthi Interiors

sony ch

Wooden doors design ideas, We are Maruthi Interiors best interior designers in Hyderabad, Just like the rest of your home, you can give them personality as well. You can make them disappear in the background to allow other design elements to shine, or you can make them the show stoppers in your room. How you choose will depend on the design of the rest of your space.

Here today, we’re showing you some great ideas that will help you both ways.


wooden doors


You can’t go wrong with simple, traditional wooden doors. Also, you oughtn’t to do much to make them look great. Just one sheet of veneer glued to your door is enough to make it look great.

You can take a quiet surface to go with the rest of your furniture or something with a strong grain to make the door stand out. Place the beans vertically, as above, or horizontally as below.


Paint the doors

Painting is a great option if you don’t want to go with wood doors. It’s the easiest, fastest, and cheapest way to give your door a makeover. Neutral colors are always safe to use and go with almost any look.

Or you can choose an accent color that goes with the rest of your home.

You can choose to match your doors with the walls to make them flow with space.

Or choose a contrasting color to make your space stand out.

A light, happy door might be all you require to comment.


Doors in distress

While you are painting them, you can try a distressed finish to give your door a different look.

Make sure it blends in with the rest of your decor. While beautiful in itself, a distressed door can look completely out of place, for example in a room with modern decor.


use patterns and geometries


Who says you have to paint the whole door in one color? Apply patterns to make your door design more attractive.

Painting simple shapes can make you stop and stare at that door twice.

You can use the door frame itself to create the pattern.

For more design ideas visit Maruthi Interiors

sony ch
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