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5 Reasons Why More Businesses Are Moving to the Cloud - Whitelight Group

White Light Group
5 Reasons Why More Businesses Are Moving to the Cloud - Whitelight Group

If you want your business to remain ahead of the competition, you need to shift to cloud platforms. In fact, a survey listed on a cloud trend report by CIO Dive found that the cloud is part of “three IT investment priorities” this year among big businesses. The CIO Dive article also contains a prediction by Dave Bartoletti, an analyst at Forrester, which further supports the survey’s findings. He says that by the end of the year, the global public cloud infrastructure market will have experienced a 35% growth. Visit us: https://whitelightgrp.com/2021/04/27/5-reasons-why-more-businesses-are-moving-to-the-cloud

White Light Group
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