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When Can You Get the Best Deals on International Hotels?


Accommodation is undoubtedly one of the most expensive parts of your trip - whether it is a business trip or a vacation with your family. Every tourist wants cheap accommodation that offers great luxury and is located close to some tourist spots in the country.

Let’s say you are planning a trip to Qatar. It’s obvious that you will consider the Qatar vacation packages and compare different plans before booking the most suitable option. The question is “is there any particular time when you can find cheap holiday packages”?

How Soon You Should Book the Hotel?

The rates of the hotel rooms vary significantly depending on a few important factors. For example, the prices appreciate dramatically when you book a hotel in the holiday season. Similarly, last-minute bookings can cost you more than you have to pay. If you are planning a trip to an international country, book the hotel in advance. So, how far in advance is the best time to book a hotel?

1-3 days before your check-in date is the best time for booking a hotel. That’s because most hotels have a 24-48 hour cancellation policy, which means a vast majority of tourists who want to cancel their bookings will cancel within this timeframe only. They cancel within 24 hours of the booking to avoid penalties. As the tourists cancel their bookings, hotels lower the rates of the rooms to fill them as soon as possible. Contrary to popular beliefs, you should never book hotel weeks or months before the check-in date. There is a good chance you will end up booking the hotel at the highest price.

Check Out the Travel Packages Online

Not everyone is comfortable with the last-minute hotel booking service, especially if you are traveling abroad. It’s better to book a hotel at least two weeks before so that you don’t have to worry about the unavailability of rooms or high rates for last-minute reservations. Travel sites make the best option for such tourists.

You can find the budget tour packages on travel websites and make bookings online for a comfortable and budget trip. You can compare the prices of a few popular and suitable hotels in the international country a month before your trip, check the facilities, and get a virtual tour of the hotel. Not only will it help you find the best deals on hotel bookings, but it is the easiest way to find a hotel of your choice.

Bookings During the Holiday Season

Believe it or not, but the holiday is the worst time to book a hotel. The prices of the hotels are skyrocketed in the holiday season, making the deal super expensive for you. Check whether there is a national holiday or a festival time in a foreign country at the time of your booking. If you are on a strict budget, the best thing you can do is wait for a few days before booking a hotel or at least until the holiday is over.

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