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3 Tips for Getting 5 Star Google Reviews

Alex Sanders
3  Tips for Getting 5 Star Google Reviews

Statistics show that over 60% of consumers turn to Google before hiring our business for their products or services. Whether you're looking to buy industrial services and supplies or looking for a hairdresser, you can find a review for most businesses on Google. That's why you want to make sure that Google is favoring your business.

A five-star review on Google will increase your chances of standing out amongst the competition and help you scale your business. However, getting a five-star review requires a certain amount of effort on your part. People aren't going to give you a great review unless you give them a great experience. Five-star reviews are going to come to you for nothing.

Here are some of the most important things you should do if you want to get a great rating on Google.

Ask Your Clients To Review You

It's a good idea to get into the habit of asking your clients to leave you a review when they're done doing business with you. If you're providing great service, then most people will have no problem recommending you to others on your Google profile. The best time to ask is immediately after doing business with them, as this is usually when they are the most pleased and willing to do your favor. Waiting any longer could reduce your chances of them being willing to take the time to leave a review.

Offer Incentive

A great way to get your clients to leave you our view on Google is to offer them a deal. Remember, there's a fine line between bribing people to leave you positive reviews and encouraging people to review you. The idea is to give people incentive to leave you reviews by advertising that they get a discount or free product by participating in a comment or review on your profile—not offering them something free for leaving a great review.

Don’t Be Afraid To Brag

A great way to encourage people to continue reviewing your company is to brag about it. The higher your review is, the more reason you have to show it off. Put a sign in your business window, and talk about it on your business website. The more attention you get for your business, the more willing people will be to do business with you. If you're doing as great of a job as you say you are, then you'll have no problem getting more and more five-star reviews.

By applying these tips and keeping a close eye on your Google profile to address any negative reviews, you should earn yourself a favorable review with Google and be on your way to scaling your business in no time.

Alex Sanders
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