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SpectraLIT™ SpectraL Instant Test : World’s fastest COVID-19 test (CE-IVD)

SpectraLIT™ SpectraL Instant Test : World’s fastest COVID-19 test (CE-IVD)

Medicircle Health objectives are to allow the healthcare system to focus on the sickest COVID-19 patients while providing quality healthcare for those who can be treated without visiting a doctor.

Want testing for Covid-19 India? Medicircle offers you one of the best services for the Covid-19 test at an affordable price. For more information, visit our website.

MediCircle Health early focus is on COVID-19 patients, we are rapidly expanding to provide patients with lifestyle diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and tobacco addiction a healthcare solution that keeps them as far away from hospitals as possible. These patients are at highest risk for severe COVID-19 and death and we will endeavour to provide them with quality healthcare in the safety of their homes. This way they can stay safe and get better without increasing the load on the healthcare system. Improving diabetic control, controlling blood pressure, loss of excessive body fat and smoking cessation are not just essential for good health but also reduce the risk of severe COVID-19.

The SpectraLIT™ cuvette is used to collect a sample. Either a conventional swab or a mouth gargle can be used. The sample is analysed by SpectraLIT™. We use machine learning and artificial intelligence to match this spectral pattern to a database of known COVID-19 negative and positive samples. Using AI SpectraLIT™ is able to differentiate between infected and healthy individuals. SpectraLIT™ is cloud connected and resulted can be shared install in real time with designated authorities.

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