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How Do Car Insurance Tracking Devices work? |sr22-insurance

How Do Car Insurance Tracking Devices work? |sr22-insurance
Car tracking insurance can be a bit tricky for the users at first.
An insurance company asks the users for their vehicle’s information in exchange for some saved bucks. The decision is hard to make since a large chunk of the population believes in securing their vehicle’s data (It’s always better to be cautious with what you choose to relay).
Snapshot Program by Progressive was the first one to introduce car tracking insurance in the US. The program worked on the principle of awarding premiums to the careful drivers, and later it started penalizing the bad drivers.But how does an insurance company identify good and bad drivers? Car tracking insurance depends on the car’s information that a user opts-in to share with the insurance company while buying a car tracking panies usually make it a matter of choice to opt-in sharing the vehicle’s information.If the user doesn’t want to share it, they can opt out of it.Here’s how the tracking insurance works

How does the Tracking Device Work?
With the signing up of a car tracking insurance, known as telematics insurance, the user installs a device to the car’s computer-based monitoring system. The mechanics decode error codes through that same system.The current version of this system is called OBD II. What is it? On-Board Diagnostics II is your vehicle’s internal diagnostics monitoring system. It shows various error codes to warn you (or your mechanic) about a potential problem.
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