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Here are 5 tips to select the right play school in Magarpatta city for your child

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Here are 5 tips to select the right play school in Magarpatta city for your child


Not only does the birth of a child bring happiness to parents but also a huge share of responsibilities. Parents aim to send their children to a good school to ensure that the young ones build a prosperous future. A good play school lays a strong foundation for a child to perform well in their early childhood and build a prosperous future. Hence, parents must choose a play school that is the most suitable fit for their child. In this blog, you will learn about 5 tips that you should follow to admit your child to the right play school in Magarpatta city if you live or intend to relocate there.


  1. Search for play schools near your home

The location of a play school in Magarpatta city plays an important role in its suitability for your child. A play school that is near to your home or your workplace or lies on the path between your home and workplace is the right fit for your child. It will ensure that dropping and picking your child is convenient. One thing on which you should pay close attention is the environment in which a school is nested. A school that can be accessed by a road and has clean and safe surroundings will be the right one for your child.


  1. Do thorough research on shortlisted schools

Before you shortlist a play school for your child, you should know everything about it. To know everything about a school, talk with your family, friends, and neighbours who live in Magarpatta city. Learn about a play school’s reputation and do not blindly trust its brand value. Understand a play school’s fee structure, time of operation, and vacation schedule in detail. This information will help you find the right play school for your child.


  1. Make multiple visits to these schools

Before you select a play school in Magarpatta city for your child, you need to visit their campus. Examine the facilities they provide, the qualification and experience of teachers they hire, and their non-teaching staff. Ensure that the staff is friendly, caring, and encouraging. And check if teachers in that school are trained in child psychology and have been teaching there for a long time. Do not miss checking a school’s classrooms, play area, and student-teacher ratio before making a decision.


  1. Learn about the school’s safety measures

The best play school will ensure that your child is safe while the young one studies and plays there. The school authority would preferably operate the play school on the ground floor of a building and not allow strangers on their campus. They will ensure that the swings and other things in the play area are safe for children. If they provide ferrying services then they will thoroughly check the background of bus drivers and attendants before hiring them.


  1. Check their hygiene practices

The best play school will keep their premises clean. They will ensure that proper cleanliness measures are adopted by the sanitation staff of the play school. Their cooking staff will prepare food in clean utensils and feed the school’s children on neat and clean plates. In a way, they will ensure that the children are taught and fed in a clean environment.

Now you know what to look for in a play school in Magarpatta city for your child. Please consider every option thoroughly before you enroll your child in a school as that decision will shape your child’s future. Have a nice day!



READ MORE: 6 Tips to select the right school in Gurgaon



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