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Trend a video conferencing app with airmeet clone development

tobias noah
Trend a video conferencing app with airmeet clone development

The pandemic has changed the lifestyle of the people. Beginning from the purchasing of the products to the physical classes for the students, everything is changed. The traditional things have moved on to online platforms. Instead of going to schools and universities, students are taught through online classes. Many on-demand video conferencing platforms pave the way for online courses. Airmeet is a seamless video conferencing app widely used to hold business meetings, classes, sessions, webinars, and many more. You can also flourish in the online industry with the airmeet clone script.  

What are the advantages of the airmeet clone script? 

Firstly, The users join a meeting invited by the host. TheThe users are provided with the option of turning off or turning on the video according to their convenience. 

Secondly, Through this airmeet clone script, a user can record the sessions for further references. This helps the students to recall the topics that are taught in the online classes. 

Thirdly, the users can mute their mic during the session or meeting. They can unmute themselves when they want to interact with the host or other members in the meet. 

Fourthly, the users can message in the private chats option and also in the group chat option. So that here they can attach other sites links for references or request answers for any queries and for the doubts. This made it feasible and effective for the users while using this app.  

Last but not least, the users can use calendar sync with the app. This helps the users with a reminder for the upcoming sessions and meetings that have been assigned to them. 

Winding Up 

In brief, these virtual meets have been playing a vital role in this current crisis. It is never too late for you to trend in the industry. If you are interested in airmeet clone development, you can reach out to our outstanding app developer team at TurnkeyTown. We provide a robust and effective solution for your future app.

tobias noah
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