Trading Accounting Services
A Trading Account is a compulsory for every trader who wants to trade in the Trading Market. The Trading Account hold all the securities and forex, shares owned by the investor/trader.
The trader can only trade or make any kind of transactions using the trading account.
Different types of Accounts
1 - Margin Account
2 – Equity Account
3 - Commodity Trading Account
4 – Forex Trading Account
5 – Share Trading Account
Margin Account
Opposite to other types of accounts the investor can borrow from the broker, this type of account gives the investor an edge to buy more securities as compared to sole funding.
Equity Account
In Equity trading account the value of the derivative depends upon some other agreed upon security or asset.
Commodity Trading Account
This account is used for commodity market. A Commodity market is a place where trading occurs in primary economic products instead of manufactured products.
Forex Trading Account
Forex Trading Account provides users/traders with an online account through which the users can trade foreign currencies from anywhere and earn profits.
Share Trading Account
It lets users buy and sell shares. This type of account is specifically for shares. Although there are multiple types of shares users can execute with this account.
For example: Fido Markets provides its clients with various types of accounts such as Classic Account, Premium Account, and Swap Account.