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Weight loss diets: what are the dangers

Weight loss diets: what are the dangers

 Soon the summer holidays, and in perspective the famous test of the swimsuit on the beach! It is the return of weight loss diets of all kinds. So, for totally aesthetic reasons, weight loss dietary practices are adopted without medical advice and sometimes even, in the absence of overweight. What are the dangers we expose ourselves to by trying to lose a few pounds at all costs?

Weight loss diets

One in three Indian people is overweight

According to ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety), overweight and obesity respectively affect 32% and 15% of people over 18 in France. . These pathologies require the management of a health professional and the implementation of a diet under medical supervision.


The most common weight loss diets

There is a wide variety of weight loss diets. The most popular diets are as follows:


  • Dr Atkins Diet: Low Carbohydrate But Very High Protein Diet
  • Dr. Guttersen's Californian diet: its goal is to reduce sugar addiction
  • "Lemon detox" diet: based on a drink composed mainly of lemon juice.
  • Diet of Chrononutrition of Dr. Delabos: it associates the consumption of food with the biological clock of the body that is to say it indicates at what time of the day it is desirable to consume such or such category of food.
  • Diet of Dr. Cohen: low calorie diet, no prohibitions, no deprivation, you must respect the doses and quantities.
  • Dr. Fricker's diet: high protein diet program.
  • Mayo diet: fats, sugars, starches, pulses and dairy products are prohibited.
  • Montignac diet: it consists of not mixing “bad” carbohydrates with lipids during the same meal.
  • Dr. Ornish's Diet: Excludes all animal protein from the diet and is primarily based on a diet of fruits and vegetables.
  • Cabbage soup diet: consists of drinking a bowl of soup at will with each meal for seven days, then fruits, vegetables.
  • According to ANSES, all these diets lead to imbalances in macronutrients, vitamins and minerals with one of the major consequences which is the almost inevitable and, possibly, more severe weight gain when the diet is stopped.


Diets and risks

Some diets cause nutritional imbalances, especially in protein, fiber, iron, magnesium or vitamin D.


These imbalances can have consequences on health:


  • Risks of depression and poor self-esteem due to failure of diets and disturbances of physiological signals.
  • Loss of muscle and bone mass which leads to weakness.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances and cardiovascular risks for very low calorie and high protein diets (Dr Fricker's diet).
  • Energy restriction during pregnancy as well as nutritional deficits are not without risk in pregnant women, for example the slowing down of development and fetal growth with harmful effects on the health of the child.
  • In children and adolescents, low calorie diets and protein deficiency can lead to slower growth and development in puberty.

Digestive disorders.

In addition, a diet rich in red meat and low in fiber is one of the many risk factors for developing colorectal cancer .


In conclusion, ANSES points to the importance of appropriate medical monitoring, but also of physical activity, which is essential Dietician for weight loss. Indeed, nothing can replace a balanced and diversified diet. Weight loss diets require support from specialists (nutritionists, dieticians).

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