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Awards for Abiie Beyond High Chair

Awards for Abiie Beyond High Chair

The Beyond Junior Y chair is also commonly known as “Abiie Beyond Wooden High Chair with Tray”. This is a modern adjustable high chair that is designed to grow with your child of age 6 months to adult years.


The Abiie Beyond High Chair with Tray is both versatile and flexible. This Beyond High Chair could literally be the only dining chair your child needs from the time they’re six months old through their adult years.The key is the patented EZ-Seat system which enables quick adjustment of the seat and footrest to easily adapt to whoever needs a seat. You’ll love the versatility of this chair when you see for yourself how easily it transforms to meet a variety of needs. The Abiie Beyond Highchair has a 3 year Manufacturer’s Warranty plus 1, 2 or 3 year low cost extension options.

Features | Abiie Beyond Wooden High Chair with Tray

The Abiie Beyond Wooden High chair can be transformed to any height position. It is suitable to use as a Toddlers chair or as a traditional dinning chair for all ages. Imagine setting all that within less than 20 seconds!
It’s economical and instantly provides an extra chair to your home when needed. No tools needed for adjustment.

Dual Restraint System
The restraint system can be adjusted for a 5-point harness or a 3-point harness, keeping your loved one secure and comfortable.



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