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Etihad Airways Cancellation Policy| Cancel Etihad Flight

Etihad Airways Cancellation Policy| Cancel Etihad Flight

Cancellations are not easy but they can be made easy with the correct guidance.If you have carefully gone through the Etihad Airways cancellation policy then you not only save yourself from paying huge fares but also avoid unneccessary trouble involved in cancellation. If the cancellation is made online through Manage Reservation, here are the important tips in that case:

Important points for Etihad Airways cancellation policy

  • The passenger must not use the ticket and it must be refundable.
  • Cancellation is only allowed if the ticket was purchased at least 5 days ago.
  • If there are less than 2 hours until departure, online cancellation is not allowed.
  • The ticket being canceled must be purchased with a single credit card.
  • The passenger must ensure that the ticket has not been exchanged for any other passenger.
  • The cancellation refund amount is calculated by referring to the fare rules of the Etihad airways cancellation policy.
  • The refund amount will be processed to the same credit card that was used to purchase the ticket.
  • The cancellation and refund process on Etihad airways cannot be reversed once started.
  • Credit card refunds can take 14-30 business days to appear in the bank account.
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