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Best Tractor Brands With Price and Specifications

Best Tractor Brands With Price and Specifications

Tractors are generally related with farming, and farmers use them alongside machines to operate farming implements such as ploughing, tilling, harrowing and sowing. Basically, the tractor is used to push and pull the machines, thereby making farming and commercial operations easy. Apparently, to operate the farm implements, a tractor must be that much compatible. In India, so many leading tractor brands are there, manufacturing tractor models according to the farming requirements. And here we are showing the top 2 leading tractor brands in India. 

1. Mahindra Tractors

Mahindra tractor is the leading tractor brand in India that manufactures the tractor models value for money and according to the farmer’s requirements. The tractor models of the Mahindra brand are wholly compatible with every farming and commercial operation. 

  • It manufactures the 15 HP to 75 HP range tractor models, including mini tractors, utility and heavy-duty tractors.
  • Mahindra makes the most economical tractor models at low-cost maintenance compared to other brands.
  • The Mahindra tractor price range starts from Rs. 2.50 Lakh and goes up to Rs.12.50 Lakh. 

2. Farmtrac Tractors

Farmtrac tractor brand manufactures a wide range of tractor models that completely live up to customers' expectations. Moreover, it manufactures unique quality and high fuel efficiency tractor models with a budget-friendly price range. 

  • Farmtrac tractor produces the 22 HP to 80 HP range tractor models that include every tractor category such as 4WD, heavy-duty, mini and other. 
  • The Farmtrac tractor model's price starts at Rs. 4.00 Lakh and heads up to Rs.12.50 Lakh. This price range includes 20+ tractor models in India. 
  • The popular Farmtrac tractor models are Farmtrac 45, Farmtrac 60 etc. 

We hope you find our data informative. So, for more details, stay tuned with us.  

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