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Stock Market Crash 2021: Is it going to happen?

Erica Davis
Stock Market Crash 2021: Is it going to happen?

We've had a couple of stock market crashes in our history,  starting with the great crash of 1929 or better known as the great depression, the black Monday of 1987, the dot com bubble of 2001. the financial crisis of 2008 and the most recent one during the start of the COVID crisis.

Now, all of these started because of different reasons, but they all did a lot of damage to investors and companies.

A lot of talks have been circling around prediction or denying a new market crash that is going to happen in 2021, although both outcomes don't seem surprising. Most countries in Europe are still in recession due to the COVID crisis, even though a lot of jobs have been recovered, the unemployment in the US is still worrying, thousands of family-owned businesses will never get reopened, transport companies barely surviving with all the movement restrictions, and many other indications that a market crash is soon to happen.

Find out more about a possible stock market crash in 2021 by reading the full article.

Erica Davis
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