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Advantages of Contactless Business Cards

Nfc Tube
Advantages of Contactless Business Cards

The technology behind contactless payments is the same technology used for making a contactless business card. Both are powered by Near-Field Communication or NFC, but obviously, they differ in terms of usage. Instead of using a card to pay at the register or POS machine, you can use a contactless business card to share your information!


How does it work?


It's very fast and simple!


First, you have to create your personal contactless business card using an app or by creating a profile on a provider's website. You will write your information and contact details.

To share information wirelessly, just hover or wave the NFC card to any NFC-enabled device like a smartphone. The distance should be within 4 cm. You can also lightly tap the card on the device. The details will be sent instantly.


What makes contactless NFC cards better than paper business cards?


Create a comprehensive digital profile


Paper business cards provide a very small and limited printing space, so you can’t load it with all the information you want to share. This is not the case with contactless business cards. Though you may print on these cards, there is no need to. After all, your information is shared with others electronically. What's more is that you can create a comprehensive digital profile that includes not only the most basic details. You can add a link to your professional website, social media accounts, and even a payment link.


Get added to someone's contacts in just a second

Your NFC card can be programmed so that people will be prompted to save your details to their contacts. This allows everyone to save time. This also eliminates the need to manually enter or type contact information on their phones.


Keep everyone safe


Today's global health crisis has triggered the massive usage of contactless technology. These days, people want to create a safe distance and limit interaction to maintain health and safety. This is one of the reasons contactless business cards have become popular!


Environment-friendly solutions


Printing paper business cards is expensive and not good for the environment. NFC business cards, on the other hand, are economical and ecological. They don’t ever need to be reprinted. If you want to add or change information, you can just re-write the details in it. An NFC business card can last year’s, so you don’t have to replace yours often.


About The Company:


NFC Tube is an online print and design company that provides innovative business cards. The company offers contactless smart card design according to the business brand and create an impression that clients will never forget.

Nfc Tube
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