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A Perfect Lip-Smacking Bombil Fry

A Perfect Lip-Smacking Bombil Fry

The secret behind a Perfect, lip-smacking, and literally mouth-watering Bombil Fry (or any fish fry)  lies in….

No, Not in the Masalas…

Nope, Not in the cooking time too…

And, No, Not even in the recipe at all…

The absolute secret behind a perfect Fish fry is…(Drum-rolling please)

The fish Itself--Its freshness.

Seems obvious?  ( Yeah, I was hoping for something better Ujjawal )

Well, It might seem obvious to you, but you won't believe how many people travel miles, go in the crowd, and even line up to buy those Unhygienic, Months-Old Fishes.

They walk in blood-stained, stinky lanes and risk their and their family's health to save some bucks.

Well, I know saving money is a good thing, but for that, risking your family's health is not the right way to do it...

And I am glad that you are not one of them...

You know that within a few clicks, you can get the freshest fish delivered straight at your home.

And you also know very well that unlike others, we don't source our fish from fish markets. And Instead, we directly buy from the small scale fishermen.

Thanks for being that smart :)

Anyways, below is the order link and a 15% off discount code. Go buy a fresh bombil right now and let's start making a perfect lip-smacking bombil fry that could make your guests fan of yours.

To know more: https://www.minglos.com/collections/fresh-fish-home-delivery-mumbai

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