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Wooden Table Top

Wooden Table Top

Solid wood is what most people who use their tables daily will want to look for- a natural material that holds up well to lots of use. One major benefit of solid wood is that it can be sanded and refinished over the years, while other table tops do not allow this option.

There are different types of hardwoods including birch, maple, oak, elm and cherry. Each type of wood has its own look and feel as well as their own benefits.

For instance, birch has a naturally smooth finish with a tighter grain that gives you the look of maple or cherry but in a harder wood. It also stains very well, lending itself to a huge range of finish options that show off the natural beauty of the wood.

Maple comes in several varieties and is known for its hearty grain and pristine lines. While slightly softer than birch and oak, maple can lend an upscale look to your dining room and has a silky and smooth finish.

Oak is one of the most durable of commonly used woods for dining furniture. With a wide and open grain, it holds up especially well to surface scratches and can very easily be sanded and refinished.

And cherry wood provides dining rooms with elegance and warmth with it’s naturally striking grain and color variation, though it is softer than other hardwoods making it more vulnerable to damage.


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