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Before RWC 2023 Three Famous players need to start tests in Ireland in November

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Before RWC 2023 Three Famous players need to start tests in Ireland in November

Craig Casey, Another area Ireland hasn't been particularly good at in recent years: if Casey wants to replace Conor Murray, he'll need to start a big game as soon as possible. Rugby Fans can buy France Rugby World Cup Tickets from our website.

In recent times, Scrum replacements such as Luke McGrath and Jamison Gibson-Park have performed admirably in Ireland, but none of them have performed really well, and John Cooney has never really been given a chance.

Murray is likely to remain Ireland's favorite semi-finalist next year, but at the start of the World Cup, the Limerick will be 34 years old and not in his best shape since 2018.

Casey looked good in the first game against the US team, but the young man will learn more from next month's game against Japan or Argentina and bring a faster pace to the game than Murray.

Ryan Baird

Ireland is currently not short of top-tier second-tier James Ryan, Ian Henderson, and Tadgh Beirne, but Baird's athleticism is rare in his position.

So far, Baird has won five games for Ireland, but only one has started against the United States, which again doesn't quite indicate whether anyone is ready to compete in international rugby.

The 22-year-old player can also play in the back row. Versatility plays a vital role in the World Cup. Each country can only choose a lineup of 31 players.

If Ryan, Henderson, and Beirne remain healthy, Baird is unlikely to start for Ireland in the coming years, but he will be a valuable asset to the bench and could start without the aforementioned players.

Simon Zebo

Zebo is no stranger to international rugby but has not played for his country for over four years.

Since then, Zebo has played many quality rugby games, including two tries in the Heineken Champions Cup final, although the system he used in Racing 92 is very different from Ireland's.

Last year Hugo Keenan confirmed the number 15 jersey for Ireland but if injured the Leinster fullback has no clear replacement.

Players like Jordan Larmour, Andrew Conway, and Jacob Stockdale have all played fullbacks in Ireland, but the three look more comfortable on the wing, leaving Zebo for initial.

The start to Argentina should test Zebo's ability to enter the number 15 jersey at the international level. If he returns to his best form, he could replace Keenan as Ireland's favorite defender.

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