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Etihad Cargo expands its African footprint with Astral Aviation and Kenya Airways

STAT Times
Etihad Cargo expands its African footprint with Astral Aviation and Kenya Airways

Etihad Cargo announces its new partnership with Astral Aviation and Kenya Airways with an aim to expand its pharma sector reach in Africa. The companies have signed a Service Legal Agreement (SLA) to provide reliable and cost-effective airfreight solutions across the continent.

Operating a fleet of 14 freighters out of its Nairobi and Johannesburg hub, Astral Aviation services a network of 15 African destinations, which Etihad Cargo will leverage for increased vaccine distribution across Africa. Both carriers are members of The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) and Pharma.Aero, whose joint Project Sunrays initiative offers cross-industry collaboration for pharma shippers managing complex vaccine distribution logistics.

STAT Times
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